Richard Chogo

Pastor Richard Chogo is married to Pastor Janet Chogo and is blessed with two children, Corban and Asaph. He is a graduate of Global University with a bachelor’s in bible and Theology. He is also a certified life, leadership, and growth coach. He has served as a church planter, youth Pastor, care pastor and lead pastor in several churches. He has also served as a member of the Daystar University Ethics Review Board. He currently serves as an Associate Pastor in Deliverance Church Umoja in charge of Online Experiences. Together with his wife they have a passion for discipling couples, and they lead a marriage enrichment ministry called La Famille, that has impacted tens of couples across the world.
He also has a passion for leadership development in Africa and thus serves as a lead facilitator in the Onward Africa Leadership Initiative, he also serves as an Apostolic team member of the Inuka Africa Apostolic Movement and serves in the Leadership of M28 Africa, a discipleship movement in East and Central Africa. His personal vision is “To use every opportunity to serve for the good of men and the Glory of God”.