Apostle Moses Mukisa

MosesMukisa is the lead pastor of Worship Harvest Ministries, a church planting movement that exists for the purpose of catalyzing spiritual, social and economic renewal in our immediate communities and as a result, the world. The movement has grown to 122 locations in 6 countries with over 28,000 disciples in more than 2,000 missional communities.
The desire to transform the world has led to the conception of several initiatives such as Harvest Institute in 2017 to raise leaders, Harvest Multipurpose Cooperative Society (HMPC), Harvest International School (HIS), Harvest Finance, among others.
Moses is passionate about helping fellow Ministers of the Gospel thrive at church leading and runs abi-annual program called Pastors Mentorship Program where Senior Pastors are equipped and challenged to grow their churches. He also serves as a Board Member on the Healing Jesus Campaign.
Moses has written ten books; including the award winning Straight Forward Financial Growth, Essential Practices for Healthy Church Finances, The Principle and Practice of Honor and his newest book, Embracing Revival which have impacted people from all walks of life.
He is a talented musician who has written more than 40 recorded songs, a vocalist, pianist and plays bass guitar and drums.
Moses and his wife Pastor Sarah for twenty-one years, a great example of marriage and they have three children; Paula, Angela and Kirk-David.